Threat Database Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 6,536
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 35
First Seen: April 16, 2024
Last Seen: May 22, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows is a dubious website that users may encounter during their Internet browsing sessions. This site is involved in a deceptive scheme focused on generating revenue by disseminating unwanted advertisements. These advertisements are crafted to overlay any open applications on the user's device, ensuring maximum visibility. Through the utilization of sophisticated social engineering tactics, unsuspecting users are frequently deceived into consenting to receive these push notifications.

Rogue Sites Often Exploit the Legitimate Push Notifications Browser Feature

Push notifications originating from may pose a substantial risk to user privacy and online security. These notifications often subject users to potentially harmful content, increasing the likelihood of being tracked by hazardous entities. Moreover, they occasionally employ deceptive tactics by presenting enticing offers.

For instance, a user might receive a notification stating they've won a valuable prize, prompting them to disclose personal information such as their home address to claim the reward. Falling victim to this deception exposes users to cybercriminals, who can exploit the provided sensitive data. In more severe scenarios, users may be duped into downloading malware or other undesirable software onto their devices.

Misleading Scenarios Exploited by Rogue Sites Like

Internet fraudsters frequently employ deceptive strategies, utilizing misleading information to exploit unsuspecting users for their harmful objectives. One common tactic involves the use of unexpected redirects, catching users off guard and heightening their vulnerability to exploitation. Upon landing on, users are immediately confronted with various fake prompts designed to manipulate their actions:

'Press 'Allow' to verify that you are not a robot'

'If you are 18+, click Allow'

'Click 'Allow' to win a prize and redeem it in our shop!'

'Click Allow to watch the video'

'Can't play this video! Perhaps your browser doesn't allow video playback. Please click the Allow button to watch the video'

These prompts cleverly exploit users' familiarity with CAPTCHAs and age verification requests, portraying their social engineering tactics as minor inconveniences to overcome. This familiarity makes users more susceptible to falling for the tactic.

Upon clicking the 'Allow' button, users unwittingly grant permission to send various types of content through the browser's push notification system. Consequently, these notifications can unexpectedly appear at any time while the browser is open, catching users off guard.

Quick Steps to Stop Rogue Sites from Generating Notifications 

Users can effectively stop receiving push notifications generated by rogue websites by following these steps:

  • Access Browser Settings: Navigate to the settings menu of your Web browser. This can usually be done by clicking on the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner of the browser window and selecting 'Settings.'
  • Find Site Settings: Look for the option labeled 'Site Settings' or 'Site Permissions' within the browser settings menu.
  • Manage Notifications: Locate the section related to notifications within the site settings. This section typically allows users to manage permissions for receiving notifications from various websites.
  • Identify Rogue Website: Scroll through the list of websites with notification permissions until you find the rogue website from which you wish to stop receiving notifications. In this case, it would be or any similar suspicious website.
  • Revoke Permission: Click on the entry for the rogue website to access its notification settings. Then, toggle the permission to 'Block' or 'Remove' to revoke the website's ability to send push notifications.
  • Clear Cookies and Site Data: Additionally, consider clearing cookies and site data associated with the rogue website. This can help prevent any residual tracking or attempts to re-enable notifications.
  • Use Browser Extensions: Install browser extensions or add-ons specifically designed to block unwanted notifications. These extensions can provide additional protection against rogue websites attempting to send push notifications.
  • Regularly Review Settings: Periodically review your browser settings to ensure that no rogue websites have gained permission to send notifications without your knowledge. Stay vigilant and promptly revoke permissions for any suspicious sites.

By following these steps and staying proactive in managing browser settings, users can effectively prevent rogue websites from sending unwanted push notifications and safeguard their online experience.

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